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Wednesday 19 October 2011

My Land!

Think of a Land of gentle streams, winding creeks and roaring waterfalls. Think of a land of mighty Mountain Ranges which force man to think twice of seeking what is beyond. Think of a land where fierce Jaguars roam freely as if in a dominion of his sovereignty. A land guarded for thousands of years by those who seek to retain the sanctity of nature. A land sought by the affluent nations for the Lost City of Gold "El Dorado." A land that produce "Sweetness" which made the eye of the powerful greedy to cause tears, bondage, bloodshed, death, and immense evil. A land that entice people from all ends of the earth to seek its "sweetness and worth." A place of diverse beauty in its geography, flora, fauna, people and culture. It is in this chaos of diversity that a Nation is defined, born and grows into a force to be reckoned with. A Nation is only as powerful as every citizen it has. Still it's people are plagued by the demons of their "foreign masters." The plague of Injustice. The Plague of Racism. The plague of inequality, suppression of free speech, and dirty politics. In spite of these plagues and its own evils, there is hope in its young ones, to take this land into the next age of hope, prosperity and unity. The Land of Guyana!

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